Saturday, March 28, 2020

Trajan Emperor of Rome free essay sample

This essay discusses the life of Marcus Ulpius Trajanus, Emperor of Rome, his rise to power and reign as emperor. The following paper discusses Trajans reign as a near perfect Roman ruler. The writer examines what Trajan accomplished during his reign, including restoring the treasury that had been depleted under Domitians reign, causing the empire to undergo an expansion program that had not been seen since before the time of Augustus, lowering taxes, enlarging public works and renovating Italys roads. Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born on the fourteenth day before the kaleds of March or in other words, September 18th, probably in the year AD 52 at Italica near Seville, Spain. Being of Spanish origin made him the first emperor who did not come from Italy, even though he was from an old Umbrian family from Tuder in northern Italy. Having chosen to settle in Spain, the family was not a purely provincial one (Empire, pg). We will write a custom essay sample on Trajan Emperor of Rome or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Trajan was the son of a Senator, Consul, and Governor of Asia and Syria. His father, also Macus Ulpius Trajanus, commanded the Tenth Legion Fretensis in the Jewish War of AD 67-68. He became consul in AD 70 and in AD 75 he became governor of Syria, which was one of the key military provinces in the empire.

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