Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Is A Strange Process - 1217 Words

â€Å"Have you ever messed up a solo, Dad?† I asked, as we both were headed off to watch my little brother play soccer one day. We were driving in a small minivan down the highway and I had been staring off in the distance most of the half hour long trip. â€Å"Oh my, way too many times to count, Ben†. He smiled and glanced over to me. â€Å"One time I went up to the podium to start a hymn at a wedding and completely forgot how it started! I had to ask someone else to help me out.† He chuckled to himself and then resumed. â€Å"Performing is a strange process. You think you’re prepared to perform, but when you go to finally do it, your body goes crazy. Your mouth gets dry, your knees shake, and you sometimes mess up. You can’t just linger on that failure though. It shouldn’t stop you from doing something you love!† I nodded my head in agreement. Performing was something I had been thinking about lately; something that had truly impacted my life. I have been involved on stage numerous times through my nineteen years of living, and I still don’t understand the troubling process of performing yet. Cool and collective people, in normal circumstances, turn into babbling victims of stage fright once they get in front of a crowd. Experts who have acted for their whole life, forget lines on stage. Palms get sweaty, focusing becomes harder, knees begin to quiver, and time begins to warp to a slow crawl. The first time I can remember performing formally in front of people was at a Sunday morning serviceShow MoreRelatedHow The Institution Is Falling Short Of Creating A Welcoming Environment For Minority Students1534 Words   |  7 Pagescan serve as starting points for helping the institution to avoid that mindset. Understanding how the work of various campus roles, including faculty, staff, and administrators, impact the student experience is a basis for taking ownership in the process. 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